
The Terms of Business governs the contractual relationship between Wficm Global and the client (including but not limited to the consequences of events of default). The Terms of Business sets out the basis on which transactions will take place and the obligations of both Wficm Global and the client when accessing and trading on the Trading Platforms. However, entering into the Terms of Business does not itself constitute a trade or in any way oblige you to enter into future transactions. This is always your decision. You must confirm via the Website that you accept the terms of business before you can enter into transactions with us. Wficm Global’s Terms of business is incorporated by reference in to this PDS and is available on our Website. A paper copy is available free of charge on Introduction

These terms of business, together with the schedules and accompany documents, as amended from time to time (“terms of business”) apply to retail and wholesale clients of Wficm Global These Terms of Business set out the terms of the contract between you and us. These Terms of Business are legally binding and shall take effect and be deemed accepted when we receive your executed signature page to these Terms of Business. We will deal with you on an execution only basis at all times. Please note that we shall not provide you with any advice on the merits of you entering into these Terms of Business or any Transaction. We shall not provide you with any tax advice on the same. You may wish to seek independent advice before entering into these Terms of Business and/or any Transaction. Clients are asked to confirm their acceptance of these terms and conditions by either signing the signature page of these Terms of Business online enclosed.


在我们与您的交易中,我们将作为委托人而不是代表您的代理人。 因此,我们将成为您所有交易的交易对手。 除非我们另有书面同意,否则您还将作为委托人与我们打交道,而不是作为他人的代理人或代表。 如果您代表委托人行事,无论您是否向我们指明该委托人,我们都不会接受该委托人作为客户,除非我们同意该人可以代表您行事。 然后,我们将有权依赖代理就您的帐户向我们提供的任何指示。 但是,我们可能会不时要求确认代理人有权代表您行事。


You may communicate with us in English. All Wficm Global standard documents will be available in English. If a document is translated into another language this will be for information purposes only and the English version will prevail.


这些商业条款取代我们之前就同一主题达成的任何协议,并在您表示您接受这些网页条款或通过返回这些商业条款签名页的签名硬拷贝时生效。 通过填写并签署这些业务条款的签名页,您确认您已阅读、理解并同意受我们的这些业务条款的约束。




这些业务条款及其附表中包含的条款共同构成业务条款。 我们可能会不时向您发送有关特定市场或投资类别的进一步时间表,这些时间表也将构成业务条款的一部分。


You will pay our charges as agreed with you from time to time or we may deduct such charges from any funds held by us on your behalf. The charges are described in the Product Disclosure Statement. Currency indemnity: If we receive or recover any amount in respect of an obligation of yours in a Currency other than that in which such amount was payable, whether pursuant to a judgment of any court or otherwise, you shall indemnify us and hold us harmless from and against any cost (including costs of conversion) and loss suffered by us as a result of receiving such amount in a Currency other than the Currency in which it was due. If you direct Wficm Global to enter into any Currency Transaction: any profit or loss arising as a result of a fluctuation in the exchange rate affecting such Currency will be entirely for your account and risk; Wficm Global is authorized to convert funds in your Account for Margin into and from such foreign currency at a rate of exchange determined by Wficm Global on the basis of the then prevailing money market rates. In such circumstances, Wficm Global will not be liable to you for any loss suffered by you as a result of such action (although, Wficm Global will use reasonable endeavors to only convert such funds as may prudently be required to cover the position in respect of the relevant transaction). Payments and deliveries net: Unless we give you written notice to the contrary, all payments and deliveries between us shall be made on a net basis and we shall not be obliged to deliver or make payment to you or both (as the case may be) unless and until we have received from you the appropriate documents or cleared funds. Remuneration and sharing charges: We may receive remuneration from, or share charges with, an Affiliate or other third party in connection with Transactions carried out on your behalf.


You are responsible for all taxes (AU or foreign) that may arise in relation to a transaction, whether under current or changed law or practice. We shall have no responsibility for any of your tax liabilities, or for providing information or advice in respect of such liabilities and shall not be responsible for notifying you of a change in tax law or practice. In the event that we become liable to pay any tax on your behalf arising from or incidental to Transactions executed by you with us you shall reimburse us on demand in full for the amount of such tax paid by us. Our Relationship with You Material interests: Your attention is drawn to the fact that when we deal with you or for you, we or an Affiliate or some other person connected with us may have an interest, relationship or arrangement that is material. Without limiting the nature of such interests, examples include where we or an Affiliate could be: (a) dealing in the investment, a related investment or an asset underlying the investment, as principal for our (or its) own account or that of someone else. This could include selling to you or buying from you and also dealing with or using the services of an intermediate broker or other agent who may be an Affiliate; (b) matching (e.g. by way of a cross) your Transaction with that of another customer by acting on his behalf as well as yours; (c) buying from you and selling immediately to another customer, or vice versa; (d) holding a position (including a short position) in the Investment concerned, a related Investment or asset underlying the Investment; (e) quoting prices to the market in the Investment, a related Investment or asset underlying the Investment; (f) advising and providing other services to Affiliates or other customers who may have interests in Investments or underlying assets which conflict with your own. 10.2 You accept that we and our Affiliates may have interests which conflict with your interests and may owe duties which conflict with duties which would otherwise be owed to you, and consent to our acting in any manner which we consider appropriate in such cases subject to Applicable Regulations. 10.3 No liability to disclose or account: We will comply with Applicable Regulations binding on us, but we shall be under no further duty to disclose any interest to you, including any benefit, profit, commission or other remuneration made or received by reason of any Transaction or any matching transaction. 10.4 Information Barriers: We maintain arrangements which restrict access by our employees to information relating to areas of our business (and that of Affiliates) with which, and the affairs of clients with whom, they are not directly concerned. Accordingly, we shall not be required to have regard to or disclose to you or make use of any information which belongs to or is confidential to another client or to us or any Affiliate, and we may be unable to advise or deal with you in relation to particular investments without disclosing the reason for this. Market abuse: By entering into any Transaction you represent and warrant that you will act in accordance with the Act and any Applicable Regulations. Account Opening An Account must be opened prior to entering into any Transaction with Wficm Global. No Orders can be placed until an Account has been opened and cleared funds received. Without prejudice to the foregoing, if Wficm Global permits you to place an Order notwithstanding that an Account has not been opened, or cleared funds received, this shall not limit your liability to Wficm Global pursuant to these Terms of Business in respect of the Order placed. Wficm Global may, at its absolute discretion, refuse to accept you as a client for whatever reason but will notify you of any such refusal, without giving any reasons, promptly following your application. To assess your credit worthiness, manage credit risk and to prevent fraud (or other criminal activity) you acknowledge and agree that we may: (a) make periodic searches and enquiries about you and any Related Party at credit reference agencies, and your employers, if applicable; (b) disclose information to organizations involved in fraud prevention; and (c) obtain information from and disclose information to other broker-dealers or investment managers which deal in or manage investments for you concerning any payment or security default or concerning any investment which is related to or connected with Margined Transactions which you seek to open with us. Any limits for your Account (including any credit limits) will be set and varied from time to time with regard to your credit status and, where applicable, the amount of funds deposited by you with us which may, in its sole discretion apply a limit to: (a) the size of any Transaction or series of Transactions that you may enter into; and (b) the amount of any loss or liability to which you may be exposed. 13.4 Account limits do not limit or represent your liability for losses to Wficm Global, and the funds you may have from time to time on deposit with us as Margin or otherwise do not represent any limit upon your financial liability to us.


将不时记入每笔保证金付款的金额以及我们根据本业务条款从您处收到的任何其他付款;并将扣除: 我们应您要求向您支付的每笔款项的金额,以及已实现的应付损失。您特此赔偿并使我们免于承担我们在任何法律诉讼开始之前或之后可能产生的任何成本或费用(包括所有法律费用),以收回由于您未能在规定期限内付款而导致的必要付款规定的期限。我们可能会按照我们可用的现行市场汇率(在考虑佣金或费用后)将您账户中的款项或您支付给我们的款项或应由我们支付的款项从一种货币转换为另一种货币。付款:我们通过经批准的信用卡或电汇接受您的存款。不接受现金。付款可能以美元 (USD) 或与我们事先约定的任何其他货币计价。除非我们另有书面同意,否则只能通过电汇方式从您的账户提款。付款条款:您同意按照以下条款根据本业务条款向我们支付款项: (a) 与您付款有关的所有电子或电汇或其他银行费用由您自行承担; (b) 如果我们在付款到期日未收到任何付款,则在不限制我们可能拥有的任何其他权利的情况下,我们将有权在从到期付款日到实际付款日的利率; (c) 如果您使用经批准的信用卡付款,然后要求将款项退回到经批准的信用卡,请注意我们保留收取管理费的权利(详情可在产品披露声明中找到); (d) 您应按要求向我们全额赔偿我们因任何逾期付款而产生的所有成本、收费和开支(包括任何推荐费); (e) 向我们支付的任何款项将仅在我们收到清算资金时被视为已收到; (f) 您有责任确保向我们支付的款项在所有方面均正确指定。预扣款:如果您的账户结单显示贷方余额,您可以要求我们向您发送支票,或以其他方式支付该金额。但是,如果出现以下情况,我们可以酌情选择扣留(或在适用情况下,扣除)任何应向您支付的款项(全部或部分): (b) 我们合理地认为,由于潜在市场条件,可能需要资金来满足当前或未来未平仓保证金交易的任何保证金要求; (c) 对于您在其开立的任何其他账户,您对我们或我们的任何关联公司负有任何或有责任;和/或 (d) 我们合理地确定我们之间存在与这些业务条款或任何相关合同有关的未解决争议将不时记入每笔保证金付款的金额以及我们从以下机构收到的任何其他付款您根据这些业务条款;并将扣除: 我们应您要求向您支付的每笔款项的金额,以及已实现的应付损失。您特此赔偿并使我们免于承担我们在任何法律诉讼开始之前或之后可能产生的任何成本或费用(包括所有法律费用),以收回由于您未能在规定期限内付款而导致的必要付款规定的期限。我们可能会按照我们可用的现行市场汇率(在考虑佣金或费用后)将您账户中的款项或您支付给我们的款项或应由我们支付的款项从一种货币转换为另一种货币。付款:我们通过经批准的信用卡或电汇接受您的存款。不接受现金。付款可能以美元 (USD) 或与我们事先约定的任何其他货币计价。除非我们另有书面同意,否则只能通过电汇方式从您的账户提款。付款条款:您同意按照以下条款根据本业务条款向我们支付款项: (a) 与您付款有关的所有电子或电汇或其他银行费用由您自行承担; (b) 如果我们在付款到期日未收到任何付款,则在不限制我们可能拥有的任何其他权利的情况下,我们将有权在从到期付款日到实际付款日的利率; (c) 如果您使用经批准的信用卡付款,然后要求将款项退回到经批准的信用卡,请注意,我们保留收取管理费的权利(详情请参阅产品披露声明); (d) 您应按要求向我们全额赔偿我们因任何逾期付款而产生的所有成本、收费和开支(包括任何推荐费); (e) 向我们支付的任何款项将仅在我们收到清算资金时被视为已收到; (f) 您有责任确保向我们支付的款项在所有方面均正确指定。预扣款:如果您的账户结单显示贷方余额,您可以要求我们向您发送支票,或以其他方式支付该金额。但是,如果出现以下情况,我们可以酌情选择扣留(或在适用情况下,扣除)任何应向您支付的款项(全部或部分): (b) 我们合理地认为,由于潜在市场条件,可能需要资金来满足当前或未来未平仓保证金交易的任何保证金要求; (c) 对于您在其开立的任何其他账户,您对我们或我们的任何关联公司负有任何或有责任;和/或 (d) 我们合理地确定我们之间存在与这些业务条款或任何相关合同有关的未解决争议。


在接受任何订单之前,您必须在开户表格中记录您的投资知识和经验。根据这些信息并根据适用规则,我们将评估开立账户是否适合您。在评估您的投资风险偏好或能力时,我们将无法考虑您的借款或杠杆。您应该意识到,杠杆可能会显着增加投资风险,尤其是在可以依靠少量初始保证金进行大笔头寸的情况下,这在保证金交易中很常见。如果您被归类为批发客户,我们将对所提供服务的适当性做出某些假设,并且我们有权假设您在相关投资领域具有必要的知识和经验。如果您不认为是这种情况,您必须在提供服务之前让我们知道这一点,并向我们提供有关您的知识和经验水平的任何可用信息。您有责任以书面形式通知我们任何可能合理表明应更改此评估的信息。陈述和承诺 您在本业务条款生效之日和每笔交易之日向我们声明并保证: (a) [对于个人]您精神健全、法定年龄和法律能力; (b) 无论随后是否有任何相反的决定,您都适合交易保证金交易,并且您了解此类交易所涉及的风险; (c) 您拥有所有必要的授权、权力、同意、许可和授权,并已采取一切必要行动,使您能够合法地订立和执行本业务条款和此类交易,并授予本协议中提及的担保权益和权力业务条款; (d) 对您的开户表格上提供的详细信息的任何更改必须立即以书面形式通知我们; (e) 代表您签订本业务条款和每笔交易的人员已获得正式授权; (f) 这些业务条款、每项交易及其项下产生的义务均对您具有约束力,并可根据其条款(根据适用的公平原则)对您强制执行,并且不会也不会违反任何法规的条款, 您受约束的命令、收费或协议; (h) 除非您另行通知我们,否则您在订立本业务条款和每笔交易时作为主要和唯一实益拥有人(但不作为受托人)行事; (i) 您提供或已经提供给我们的有关您的财务状况或其他事项的任何信息在任何重大方面均准确无误; (j) 您愿意并在财务上能够承受因交易而导致的全部资金损失; (k) 您可以持续不间断地访问互联网服务以及您的开户表格上提供的电子邮件地址; (l) 除非我们另有约定,否则您是您根据本业务条款转让的所有保证金的唯一实益拥有人,除在清算系统中例行对所有证券施加的留置权外,不存在任何担保权益,其中可持有此类证券。


If at any time: (a) you fail to comply fully and immediately with any obligation to make any payment when due under these Terms of Business or to make or take delivery of any property when due under these Terms of Business; (b) we have reasonable grounds to believe that you are in breach of any material provision of these Terms of Business; (c) we consider it necessary or desirable for our own protection or any action is taken or event occurs which we consider might have a material adverse effect upon your ability to perform any of your obligations under these Terms of Business; (d) we consider it necessary or desirable to prevent what is considered to be or might be a violation of any laws, Applicable Regulations, the Act, or good standard of market practice; (e) you die, become of unsound mind, are unable to pay your debts as they fall due or are bankrupt or insolvent, as defined under any bankruptcy or insolvency law applicable to you, or any indebtedness of yours is not paid on the due date therefore or becomes capable at any time of being declared due and payable under agreements or instruments evidencing such indebtedness before it would otherwise have been due and payable, or any suit, action or other proceedings relating to these terms of business. “proceedings” are commenced for any execution, any attachment or garnishment, or distress against, or an encumbrancer takes possession of, the whole or any part of your property, undertaking or assets (tangible and intangible) (f) you commence a voluntary case or other procedure seeking or proposing liquidation, reorganization, an arrangement or composition, a freeze or moratorium, or other similar relief with respect to you or your debts under any bankruptcy, insolvency, regulatory, supervisory or similar law (including any corporate or other law with potential application to you, if insolvent), or seeking the appointment of a trustee, receiver, liquidator, conservator, administrator, insolvency office or other similar official (each an insolvency officer) of you or any substantial part of your assets, or if you take any corporate action to authorize any of the foregoing; (g) an involuntary case or other procedure is commenced against you seeking or proposing liquidation, reorganization, an arrangement or composition, a freeze or moratorium, or other similar relief with respect to you or your debts under any bankruptcy, insolvency, regulatory, supervisory or similar law (including any corporate or other law with potential application to you, if insolvent) or seeking the appointment of an Insolvency Officer of you or any substantial part of your assets; (h) You or any Credit Support Provider (or any Insolvency Officer acting on behalf of either of you) disaffirm, disclaim or repudiate any obligation under these Terms of Business or any guarantee, hypothecation agreement, margin or security agreement or document, or any other document containing an obligation of a third party, or of you, in favor of us supporting any of your obligations under these Terms of Business (individually a “credit support document”): (i) any representation or warranty made or given or deemed made or given by you under these Terms of Business or any Credit Support Document proves to have been untrue, false or misleading in any material respect as at the time it was made or given or deemed made or given; (j) any Credit Support Provider fails to comply with or perform any agreement or obligation to be complied with or performed by you or it in accordance with the applicable Credit Support Document; (i) any Credit Support Document expires or ceases to be in full force and effect prior to the satisfaction of all your obligations under these Terms of Business, unless otherwise agreed in writing by us; (ii) any representation or warranty made or given or deemed made or given by any Credit Support Provider pursuant to any Credit Support Document proves to have been false or misleading in any material respect as at the time it was made or given or deemed made or given; (iii) any event referred to in paragraphs (d) to (g) or (j) of sub-clause 1 of this clause occurs in respect of any Credit Support Provider; or (iv) you are dissolved, or, if your capacity or existence is dependent upon a record in a formal register, the registration is removed or ends, or any procedures are commenced seeking or proposing your dissolution, removal from such a register, or the ending of such a registration; (k) where you or your Credit Support Provider is a partnership, any of the events referred to in paragraphs (d) to (g) or (j) of sub-clause 1 of this clause occurs in respect of one or more of your or its partners; (l) an Event of Default (however described) occurs in relation to you under any other agreement between us; then we may exercise our rights under clause 22.2 of these Terms of Business. 22.2 Upon occurrence of an Event of Default we may by notice specify a date for the termination of any outstanding Transactions entered into between us except that the occurrence of an Event of Default under subparagraphs (d) to (g) or (j) of clause 22.1 shall result in the automatic termination of any outstanding Transaction. Neither of us shall be obliged to make any further payments or deliveries under any Transactions which would but for this clause, have fallen due for performance on or after the termination of any outstanding Transactions. We shall be entitled without prior notice to you: (a) instead of returning to you investments equivalent to those credited to your Account, to pay to you the fair Market value of such investments at the time we exercise such right; (b) to sell your investments in our possession or in the possession of any nominee or third party appointed under or pursuant to these Terms of Business, in each case as we may in our absolute discretion select or and upon such terms as we may in our absolute discretion think fit (without being responsible for any loss or diminution in price) in order to realize funds sufficient to cover any amount due by you hereunder; (c) to close out, replace or reverse any Transaction, buy, sell, borrow or lend or enter into any other Transaction or take, or refrain from taking, such other action at such time or times and in such manner as, at our sole discretion, we consider necessary or appropriate to cover, reduce or eliminate our loss or liability under or in respect of any of your contracts, positions or commitments; (d) to realize in accordance with this clause or to sub-pledge any securities or other assets of yours held by Wficm Global; (e) to call any guarantee or indemnity provided by or on behalf of you; (f) to exercise our rights of set-off pursuant to this clause; (g) to close any and all of your Accounts; and/or (h) to treat any or all Transactions then outstanding as having been repudiated by you, in which event our obligations under such Transaction or Transactions shall thereupon be cancelled and terminated.

我们不会因我们延迟行使本条款而丧失我们在本条款下的任何权利,但在任何情况下,我们均无义务根据这些条款行使任何此类权利,或者,如果我们确实行使了任何此类权利 对,在某个时间或以对您有利的方式这样做。 我们可以全权酌情决定以单一或集体方式结束交易。

如果我们根据本条款行使权利来平仓交易,平仓应由我们在我们合理酌情决定的时间和价格全部或部分执行。根据被平仓的交易应付的款项将立即到期。如果我们根据本条款行使权利来变现我们持有的您的任何投资或其他资产,我们有权在出售时以市场价格(由我们合理酌情决定)出售这些投资或资产发生。我们有权自行决定选择此类销售的时间、地点和方式。任何销售费用均由您承担。如果发生本条款中规定的任何违约事件,我们可能会以书面形式通知您,要求在结算日期根据本条款对所有未结交易进行结算,为此目的,结算日期应为发出通知的日期.如果根据本条款对所有交易进行结算,则在结算日期之后,不得就任何未结交易进行进一步付款,并且每笔未结交易应立即通过您支付结算金额来结算。您应在得知第 22.1 条规定的事件发生后立即通知我们。在发生第 22.1 条规定的任何事件后,我们有权抵消 (i) 任何向您付款的义务,以抵消您对任何关联公司的付款义务和您向我们付款的任何义务反对任何关联公司向您付款的任何义务。任何义务应通过我们之间就所有未完成的已终止交易的应付金额的净额结算(无论是通过付款、抵销或其他方式)来履行。对于每笔未完成的已终止交易,我们应确定其总成本、损失或收益(包括,如适用,任何交易损失、资金成本或因终止而导致的其他损失或收益)以及所有未完成交易的任何净额。我们根据前述规定确定的未决终止交易应在计算后立即支付。只要违约事件已经发生并仍在继续,我们就没有义务根据交易或本业务条款安排我们进行的任何付款或交付。如果我们根据本条款行使权利来平仓交易,平仓应由我们在我们合理酌情决定的时间和价格全部或部分执行。根据被平仓的交易应付的款项将立即到期。如果我们根据本条款行使权利来变现我们持有的您的任何投资或其他资产,我们有权在出售时以市场价格(由我们合理酌情决定)出售这些投资或资产发生。我们有权自行决定选择此类销售的时间、地点和方式。任何销售费用均由您承担。如果发生本条款中规定的任何违约事件,我们可能会以书面形式通知您,要求在结算日期根据本条款对所有未结交易进行结算,为此目的,结算日期应为发出通知的日期.如果根据本条款对所有交易进行结算,则在结算日期之后,不得就任何未结交易进行进一步付款,并且每笔未结交易应立即通过您支付结算金额来结算。您应在得知第 22.1 条规定的事件发生后立即通知我们。在发生第 22.1 条规定的任何事件后,我们有权抵消 (i) 任何向您付款的义务,以抵消您对任何关联公司的付款义务和您向我们付款的任何义务反对任何关联公司向您付款的任何义务。任何义务应通过我们之间就所有未完成的已终止交易的应付金额的净额结算(无论是通过付款、抵销或其他方式)来履行。对于每笔未完成的已终止交易,我们应确定其总成本、损失或收益(包括,如适用,任何交易损失、资金成本或因终止而导致的其他损失或收益)以及所有未完成交易的任何净额。我们根据前述规定确定的未决终止交易应在计算后立即支付。只要违约事件已经发生并仍在继续,我们就没有义务根据交易或本业务条款安排我们进行的任何付款或交付。


您可以通过向我们发出书面通知立即终止这些业务条款。我们可以通过向您发出十 (10) 个工作日的通知终止这些业务条款,但如果您未能遵守或执行这些业务条款的任何规定,或者发生以下情况,我们可以立即终止这些业务条款任何违约事件,或者在发送终止通知时您的账户中没有未结交易。在这些业务条款终止后的任何时间,我们可能会在没有通知的情况下,在当天收盘价结束您的任何未结交易。除非另有规定,否则终止应不影响应计权利和补救措施以及任何未决交易的存在和可执行性,根据本业务条款,该交易将持续到结束。终止本业务条款后,您应向我们支付的所有款项将立即到期应付,包括(但不限于): (a) 所有未偿费用、收费和佣金; (b) 终止本业务条款所产生的任何交易费用; (c) 在结束任何交易或结算或履行我们代表您承担的未偿义务时发生的任何损失和费用。


Internet, connectivity delays, and price feed errors sometimes create a situation where the price displayed on the Wficm Global does not accurately reflect the market rates. Wficm Global DOES NOT PERMIT THE PRACTICE OF ARBITRAGE ON THE Wficm Global ONLINE FACILITY. TRANSACTIONS THAT RELY ON PRICE LATENCY ARBITRAGE OPPORTUNITIES MAY BE REVOKED, WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. Wficm Global RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE THE NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR ADJUSTMENTS ON THE ACCOUNT INVOLVED, WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. ANY DISPUTE ARISING FROM SUCH QUOTING OR EXECUTION ERRORS WILL BE RESOLVED BY Wficm Global GROUP IN THEIR SOLE AND ABSOLUTE DISCRETION.Wficm Global shall have no obligation to contact you to advise upon appropriate action in light of changes in market conditions or otherwise. You agree to indemnify and hold Wficm Global, its Affiliates and any of their directors, officers, employees and agents harmless from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses, including legal fees incurred in connection with the provision of the services under these Terms of Business to you provided that any such liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses have not arisen for our gross negligence, fraud or willful default.


Nothing in these Terms of Business shall exclude or restrict any duty or liability owed by us to you under the Act (as may be amended or replaced from time to time). General exclusion: Neither we nor our directors, officers, employees, or agents shall be liable for any losses, damages, costs or expenses (including direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential loss, loss of profits, lost data, loss of use of the Wficm Global Online Facility, business interruption, costs of substitute, services or downtime costs), whether arising out of negligence, breach of contract, misrepresentation or otherwise, incurred or suffered by you under these Terms of Business (including any Transaction or where we have declined to enter into a proposed Transaction) unless suchloss arises directly from our respective gross negligence, willful default or fraud. To the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for losses suffered by you or any third party for any special damage, or loss of profits or loss of goodwill or reputation or loss of business opportunity arising under or in connection with these Terms of Business, whether arising out of negligence, breach of contract, misrepresentation or otherwise. Nothing in these Terms of Business will limit our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence.

交易损失: 为免生疑问,在任何情况下,对于因您下订单或执行订单而引起或与之相关的任何损失或其他成本或费用,我们概不向您承担任何责任。 与我们的交易。 税务影响:但不限于,我们不对任何交易的任何不利税务影响承担责任。 市场变化:但不限于,在任何特定交易受到影响之前,我们不因市场条件的任何延迟或变化而承担任何责任。


Since Wficm Global does not control signal power, its reception or routing via Internet, configuration of your equipment or reliability of its connection, Wficm Global cannot be responsible for communication failures, distortions or delays when using the Wficm Global online trading platform(s). Amendments: We reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions of these Terms of Business from time to time by posting such changes on the Wficm Global website and in accordance with the Act. You are responsible for regularly reviewing these Terms of Business for any modifications and agree to be bound by the same. You may not amend these Terms of Business unless such amendment is in writing and signed by an authorized officer of Wficm Global. Unless otherwise agreed, an amendment will not affect any outstanding Order or Transaction. If you do not wish to accept any amendment made by us to these Terms of Business you may by notice to us close your open Margin Transactions and your Account in accordance with these Terms of Business.




We may record telephone conversations without use of a warning tone to ensure that the material terms of the Transaction, and any other material information relating to the Transaction is promptly and accurately recorded. Such records will be our sole property and accepted by you as evidence of the Orders or instructions given. Electronic communications: Subject to Applicable Regulations, any communications between us using electronic signatures shall be binding as if it were in writing. By execution of these Terms of Business you give your consent to the receipt of communications by electronic means which but for your consent must be made using a durable medium under Applicable Regulations. Orders or instructions given to you by electronic means will constitute evidence of the Orders or instructions given. You hereby consent that account information and trade confirmations will be made available to you on the Wficm Global Online Facility in lieu of delivery via mail or email. You will be able to access this information using your Access Code. Updated information will be available no more than twenty-four hours after any activity takes place on your account, absent any Force Majeure Event or service interruption. If you no longer wish to communicate in this way, you must revoke this consent in writing. If you do not wish to communicate via electronic means at all, you must inform us of your wishes prior to you signing the signature page of these Terms of Business.




您同意根据适用法规保留足够的记录,以证明所提交订单的性质和提交此类订单的时间。 第三方权利:本业务条款的各方无意使本业务条款的任何规定可由非本业务条款一方的任何人强制执行。 诉讼合作:如果我们就本业务条款提起或针对我们提起任何诉讼或诉讼,或由于本业务条款要求或允许的我们的任何作为或不作为引起,您同意与我们合作 我们尽最大可能为此类诉讼或程序进行辩护或起诉。 适用法律:受市场规则约束的交易应受这些规则下适用的法律管辖。