외환 스왑은 교환 ?

스왑 율은 무엇입니까?

스왑 요금은 통화 거래에 임베드 된 이자율 차이점입니다.
To put it more simply, consider how a 외환 trade works: you borrow one currency to buy another. For instance, if you are buying EUR/USD, you are borrowing US dollars and buying euros with the proceeds. In doing so, you are paying interest on the US dollars you borrow, but earning interest on the euros you bought.

스왑 요금을 어디에서 찾을 수 있습니까?

Our swap rates are visible on all our platforms, by following these simple steps:


스왑 비율을 어떻게 계산합니까?

교환 부화 / 크레딧은 다음과 같이 계산됩니다.
현재 길이 / 짧은 요금 * Lots의 수 = 두 번째 통화로 직불 카드 / 크레딧

예 - 1.

Your account currency is AUD and you hold one lot long on AUD/USD on 5 February 2015: +4.96 * 1 = $.4.96, converted to your account currency = A$6.35

예 - 2.

Account currency is USD, you hold 2.5 lots short of EUR/GBP on 5 February 2015: -1.08 * 2.5 = - £ 2.70, USD = - $ 4.13으로 변환
-1.08 * 2.5 = - £ 2.70, USD = - $ 4.13으로 변환

언제 교환율을 계산합니까?

Our swap rates are calculated each day at 4.59pm New York time/11.59pm MT4 platform time (GMT+2). Trades that have been opened before 4.59pm and held open past this time will be subject to swap rates. 스왑 요금은 4.59 억시에 수요일에 3 배로 증가하여 주말을 설명합니다. Please note that this is the standard structure of swaps – however, on weeks where there are holidays, the swap rate structure may be modified to account for the holiday.